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How We Got Here, Part 2:

I was going to do my post first; to introduce you all to the recovering people pleasing, anxious, overthinking, worrier, with an incredible fear of failure and judgement that is myself, in an effort to help you understand how the concept of L.I.F.E. 2 L.I.F.E.R.S. was developed and why I wanted to share it.

But then Kellis wrote her post…

At first, I thought that her’s would be a great follow up after I explained how I got to where I am now. Seeing as, me being where I am, helped me guide her to where she is. It made sense, chronologically.

Then I realized, screw chronologically, lol. I live and work in a state of organized chaos, so why change now when I'm happy with it!? ;-) (I think it drives her crazy, hehe.)

I had asked her to provide me with a post, that would give readers a sense of who she is by letting her writing style allow her personality to show through. All while telling me how the idea of L.I.F.E 2 L.I.F.E.R.S. came to being for her, from her perspective. She nailed it! (As I fully believed she would, she’s so smart. Plus, it is her perspective and how she views it so how could it be wrong?)

My goal here was to resonate with people. I wanted to show that we are individuals going through this thing we call life too; not simply some black and white company trying to cram positivity and an it’s-all-sunshine-and-rainbows perception down your throats.

We have such different personalities; I did not want our individualism to get pushed aside.

This world is made up of a variety of personalities and, therefore, not everyone will like me nor relate to me and the same goes for Kellis. She has a big bold personality which can be perceived as a “give no shits” attitude. I was shy, terrified of judgement with a “give way too many shits” attitude.

After life kicked me in teeth (again) in 2019, I spent PLENTY of time wallowing and doubting my self worth. Kellis in her own way, but out of love, gave me some tough love. It wasn’t what worked for me, but it was enough to get me to realize that I was tired of my own shit.

If I didn’t see my own worth, how was I to expect anyone else to?

My Dad has always taught me about watching what I think and thinking about what is good (Phil 4:8). I got it and understood it, but I didn’t practice it.

I had been listening and reading a lot of so-called self-help books; loving the principles and the motivation it gave. Too many times though, I’d try to do too much, get overwhelmed, and fall back to the woe-is-me bullshit mentality.

Then, I decided to use the same principle I do with those who are trying to start a healthier lifestyle/fitness journey; start small and build up.

Now, I’ve never been in a more secure place with myself. I am more aware of the good in my life, less anxious, and legitimately happy.

I shared my tips with Kellis, when she hit the ground from life's kick in the teeth. Her focus needed to be off of the constant replaying of the bad over and over; giving it the fuel to consume her. (The SAME switch I had to make. I bet we all have been there or are there.)

When she finally was noticing the good that was in her life again, she came up with a great idea….

And here we are!!

I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% comfortable with the name at first. (I didn't tell her that because she LOVED it, and I wasn't about to ruin that excitement.) However, after I thought about it a little more, and started working on the logo and theme, I realized that it was perfect!

You've heard the term "lifers" before and understand it to mean usually someone in a particular career or place for forever, or in my line of work, prison. (haha).

We are 2 friends doing life together for life. (Lifers)

[Spoiler alert: The book cover is going to have a rough looking exterior because, "Let's face it, life is rough."]

Welcome to our journey, we hope it helps with yours.




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