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Choose Kindness

Today I posted a reel with a 30 day Random Act of Kindness Challenge.

Why would I do that? Can’t I see the world is a mess, whatever side I might be on?

YES! Yes, I can see that. THAT is EXACTLY why I decided that now is the time to emphasis kindness.

I am not, and will not, get into the politics or express my opinion, but I will get into that those disagreements can occurred without hate and disrespect.

The thing is, we can NOT control other people, but we CAN control ourselves and how we behave.

Kindness is our ability to control our own responses and not be controlled by others’ behaviors.

Kindness starts with kindness to ourselves:

Have you ever noticed how much nicer you are to other people than you are to yourself? Think about the stuff you say to yourself, would you really say that to a friend?!?

Don’t meet rudeness, with rudeness:

What about that co-worker/friend/family/stranger, that gives you snipy or rude response for seemingly no reason? Are you going to respond in the like? What good does that do anyone? We don’t know what someone is going through or thoughts inside their head. Maybe their behavior had nothing to do with you personally but was the result of a build of stress or sadness or whatever that finally released itself and you just happened to be the unlucky target. What if, now hear me out, instead of responding in the same fashion we responded with grace and how you’d want someone to respond to you? Ask them if they are okay? Cover a project for them even though they didn’t ask. Pay for their coffee.

You get what you give:

We have heard this many times, in many different forms. The fact is it is cliché for a reason. The more you spread kindness the more kindness you will receive in return. Maybe you are receiving more kindness or maybe you are just noticing the kindness that has already been around you. I like to think you get more because people what to be kinder to kind people. It is easy to do something helpful for those that appreciate it or have helped you out. It is harder to want to go out of your way for someone who is unappreciative and cruel. I encourage you to be the person who is kind to both types of people.

Kindness sticks with people:

I bet all of us can think back on a time that someone did something unexpectedly kind for us. The person who stopped to help you change a flat tire, the time the cashier paid for your coffee and told you to have a great day, the surprise gift to brighten your day when your world felt like it was crumbling, the random text just say “hey, I’m thinking of you” right when you needed it. I’m going to bet that just reading that something came to your mind, and not only did you remember the act, but you recall the feeling and, at least a little, felt it all over again.

If all that wasn’t enough for you, research has shown that being kind to ourselves, others, or even witnessing kindness boosted one’s own happiness. There is a reason those videos of kids helping the elderly up stairs or carry in groceries, or the homeless man sharing his recently received money with a stranger, or similar videos go viral.

You see, this is exactly the right time to challenge you to spread kindness.

So, here is my challenge to you….

For the next 30 days, do something kind for someone. It is really that simple.



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