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Hey! We  Are  SO Glad You're Here.


Ashley McDermott

Ashley is an Assistant District Attorney and certified NASM Personal Trainer. She is a recovering people pleaser (She hopes that okay?), overthinking, anxious, worrier and exercise is her favorite form of stress relief. In fact, the gym is her happy place.


She has a passion for helping people which she pursues through her professional attorney career and through her instruction in health/fitness.


She is an introverted cat mom, loves football (Go, Pack, Go), adores her nephew/nieces and competes in bodybuilding competitions.


She loves Jesus but cusses a little. Oh, and Coffee is her life juice.


Kaimee Kellis

Kaimee is an attorney, CPA, and university instructor. She has learned motivation can come from gratitude rather than anger and proving others wrong about her (if you knew her in undergrad and law school you’d understand). 


Her children are the center of her world. With or without her children she enjoys hiking, road tripping, reading, learning/trying new things, catching up with friends, and exercising outdoors (usually at Ashley’s insistence). She is passionate about serving others whether it be teaching students or helping a friend. 


Her life thus far has provided her lots of laughs through an array of unique experiences. Some experiences have been great, others belong in the “do not repeat” category. She has a 100% survival rate.  

We are an unlikely pair; we are different on so many levels. However, we love the notion that opposites attract and believe that does not only apply to romantic relationship. We met in law school in 2009 and have remained close friends since that time. Despite being mostly opposite, we have been there for each other during both good and bad times. The consistency of each other’s support and friendship has been a blessing beyond description.


One thing we agree on is that perspective matters; where you focus affects your outlook.

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