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L.I.F.E. 2 L.I.F.E.R.S. is a daily journal designed to help create daily habits to switch your perspective to the good that life has to offer, because when you look for it, there is always something good.

We want to help you make positive lifelong changes, that help better your life and others.

L – Love/gratitude

I – Inspiration

F – Fitness/health

E – Execution

R – Reflection

S – Service

The Journal Is Live!




We are 2 friends who have experience the downs in life, and know how it feels when life kicks you in the teeth.


We both spent our share of time wallowing in our misery, being angry/bitter, and believing that life simply sucked.


From where we were sitting there was so much suck, we didn’t see the good. (Until we started looking).


We were miserable and we started to make those around us miserable too. Who really wants to be around someone who is constantly complaining or always negative? We even got tired of ourselves!


We started reading/listening to books and listening to podcasts.


We started to realize we are the ones who are responsible for our life. Sure, we may not be fully responsible for the situation we were in, but we were definitely responsible for how we responded and reacted to it.


We tried to do allllll the things the books and podcast told us to do but ultimate got overwhelmed and quit, leading to more frustration and negativity. “I suck!” “Why can’t I do this.” “Guess I’m meant to be miserable.” Blah blah blah.


Then we tried starting small. Doing a few little things that required us to shift our focus and find the positive. Guess what? It’s there if you look; even if it’s small.


We found that by starting small and building up, we were able to keep going. Even if we had a slip back, it didn’t feel like an overwhelming task to get back on track.


Once we got into the habit of these few things, we noticed our outlook on life wasn’t so much “it sucks” but more sunshine. We aren’t saying we didn’t and don’t struggle, boy do we, BUT we handle the bad with more grace and notice life doesn’t seem to have the same kick it once did.


We decided we wanted to compile a daily “journal” that contained the little things that helped us. We are sharing this with you so that you don’t have to go through the same overwhelmed-mess up-I failed-I quit-I suck experience.

Welcome to the Journey of Learning to Love YOUR Life!!


Welcome to the Journey!

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